Myrtle Grove

Myrtle Grove Same-Day Flower Delivery

Myrtle Grove flower delivery is one of our specialties, being a Wilmington NC florist! At Julia's Florist, we're proud to offer same-day hand delivery of the freshest cut flowers, gifts and plants to your loved ones for any occasion.



Whether it's to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, graduation, or even to say "get well soon" or "thank you", flowers are a great way to communicate your sentiments year-round. Our high standards mean that we use only the freshest flowers in our arrangements, which are hand-delivered to ensure they arrive just as vibrant and colorful as you expect. This leaves us head and shoulders above any other Myrtle Grove florist -- try us and see! 

For your convenience, we also offer express delivery to area hospitals and funeral homes. Browse our Get Well Soon, New Baby, and Sympathy categories to see our arrangements specially crafted for hospital and funeral home delivery. Simply order online or call us directly for personalized service. 

100% Satisfaction Guarantee


Our Wilmington Location

Address:900 S. Kerr Ave
Wilmington, NC 28403

Phone:(910) 395-1868

ZIP Codes Served

28401, 28402, 28403, 28404, 28405, 28406, 28407, 28408, 28409, 28410, 28411, 28412, 28428, 28429, 28449, 28451, 28457, 28480