In 1958, a Chicago-based State Farm Insurance employee named Patricia Bays Haroski came up with the idea of National Boss’s Day. The observance was meant to enhance and improve the relationships between employers and their employees. It took 4 years for the day to become official, the declaration signed by Illinois Governor Lott Kerner in 1962. Since that time, the day has been recognized not only across the United States, but also in India, Australia, and South Africa.

Why celebrate the best bosses? Experts tell us that adults spend up to 35% of their waking hours in a workplace. With so much of our lives invested in one place, a good boss can make all the difference. If you have been lucky enough to work with a great boss, October 16 is the perfect day to let them know that you appreciate them. Here in Wilmington, the call to make for all your floral needs is to Julia’s Florist.
Great bosses share common characteristics. They protect their people, take responsibility, and share accolades. They are passionate about their job, and are willing to pitch in no matter what. They recognize their team member’s individual strengths and weaknesses, and use that insight to encourage each one’s success. They provide ongoing opportunities for advancement, and encourage their team to learn and grow.
Green and flowering plants make great gifts for National Boss’s Day. Whether your place of work is a corporate office or a retail storefront, plants always infuse life and beauty. One of our favorite blooming plants is the orchid, which will add style and class to any workplace. Orchids are delicate enough to fit into virtually any decor, and low-maintenance enough to stay vibrant for months to come.
If you work for one of Wilmington’s best bosses, take the opportunity on October 16 to thank them for all they do. Shop the online collection, give us a call, or stop by Julia’s Florist personally. We’ll take care of the rest.